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Here you can download models for prediction of proteolytic sites for eight matrix metalloproteinases. Models were built using various regression methods based on kinetic protease profiling data (details in Fedonin et al. “Predictive Models of Protease Specificity based on Quantitative Protease-Activity Profiling Data” (submitted))
Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) HEp-2 test is the one of the extensively used medical tests for the identification of the autoimmune disorders. This test relying on the analysis of the indirect immunofluorescent images allows to visualize a location of the so-called antinuclear antibodies - human antibodies that in the case of the disease bind to the various proteins or DNA inside the cell nucleus. Depending on the ANA target and, therefore, localization inside the cell nucleus, it is possible to differentiate autoimmune diagnosis, among these are the lupus erythematosus, scleroderma and Sjogren’s syndrome.